A 42-year-old Shanghai resident surnamed Xie was working for a foreign company and getting about 30,000 yuan (2 million tenge). In December 2023, Xie took her maternity leave. Since the woman did not have a partner and the pregnancy was late in life, she was worried about her health and financial well-being in anticipation of the birth of her child. Xie remembered she had miscarriage several years ago, and the insurance company paid her a large sum of money. Employers in China are required to pay for medical expenses for pregnancy and maternity leave.
Xie decided to forge documents about a new miscarriage and submit them to the insurance company online. After they were successfully accepted, the woman refused to stop and submitted another claim. The insurance company satisfied both claims, and the woman received 66.2 thousand yuan (approximately 4.4 million tenge). The expecting mother filed a third false claim about a miscarriage. After the birth of her child in February, Xie contacted the insurance company again, for the fifth time in four years.
After the fourth try, the insurance company employees carefully reviewed Xie's claims. She was denied payments and reported to the police about potential fraud. As soon as the investigation began, Xie confessed to everything explaining her actions by fears for the future of the child. The woman also quit her job. The court sentenced her to one and a half years of probation.
Photo courtesy of public sources