The safe and effective way to achieve the desired weight and maintain health and good physical shape is an appropriate lifestyle and diet picked with the help of specialists that can be really followed on a regular basis.
There are many scientific publications that focus on the efficacy of high-protein and low-carbohydrate diets. However, there are few qualified studies on the Dukan method. In 2015, Poland researchers summarized data from 50 women aged 19–64 who followed the Dukan meal plan and consumed about 1,000 calories per day, including 100 g of protein. The study participants lost 15 kg in 8-10 weeks. The U.S. News & World Report, one of the top three US weeklies on economics, politics and health, has published a diet ranking by 23 experts in January. The Dukan diet came in last on the list receiving 1.9 points out of 5. The experts rated the diet's effectiveness at 2.5 points and the health benefits - at 2 points. According to doctors, there is no evidence that losing weight according to the Dukan method can be long-term and safe, while the list of products is unreasonably limited, and dietary rules are too complex. One expert openly called the diet “idiotic”.
The diet is presumably suitable for healthy people over 18 years of age. The method is not recommended for those with chronic gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders, pregnant, lactating.
The diet has all the drawbacks of low-carb diets, as well as a few specific side effects, since many healthy foods are excluded from the meal plan.
Photos are from open sources.