“The rule is the same for all, the less the better. WHO suggests to take not more than 50 grams of added sugar per day. According to some experts, however, it should be no more than 25 grams of sugar per day. For comparison, an average serving of pancakes contains 30 grams of sugar. In order to stick to the recommendations, one needs to strictly control the amount of sugar and sweets in the diet and limit confectionery and sugary carbonated drinks,” Starodubova said, answering the question of how much we can indulge ourselves with sweets.
According to her, candies and other sweets are holiday dishes and can be eaten 1-2 times a week.
According to the specialist, there are alternatives to sweets, such as berries and fruits, or unsweetened, low-sugar dessert options that should not be taken frequently as well, such as jelly, marmalade, or marshmallow. In this case, one must pay attention to the chemical composition of the product and the content of sugar and simple carbohydrates in it.
Source: https://ria.ru/20210406/sladkoe-1604378557.html
Photos are from open sources.