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What phrases do scammers use?

Social engineering is a manipulation method used by criminals to obtain confidential information and access personal accounts. Unlike technical attacks, social engineering relies on psychological techniques. Scammers use intimidation methods, as well as exploit the emotions and lack of awareness of ordinary people.
What phrases do scammers use?

The most common fraudulent schemes include calls from law enforcement officers, second-tier banks, and the National Bank. They usually ask to transfer money to a “safe account.” Besides, attackers can pose as mobile operators offering to extend the contract or settle “debts.”

Keywords and phrases that scammers often use when trying to deceive Kazakhstanis are as follows: “National Bank,” “Suspicious activity,” “Safe account,” “Access to the account will be blocked,” “Security Service,” “Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” In addition, criminals always ask to “give the code from the SMS, identity card details.”

Social engineering is based on human weaknesses, fears and psychological trauma. Therefore, it is crucial to always be on guard and check any information, especially that which seems urgent and requires quick decisions.

Safety methods

Financial experts always recommend not to communicate with criminals or to end the conversation immediately.

Stay alert and be skeptical if someone asks for your personal or financial information.

Do not follow suspicious links or download attachments from dubious sources.

Call organizations directly on their official numbers before deciding to transfer funds or transfer personal information.

Use two-factor authentication to protect your accounts.


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