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Kairat Chegebayev: “Through our projects we try not only to talk about culture, history, and ancestral knowledge, but we also contribute to the development of youth”

As previously reported by, the 2nd Republican Competition “Koshpendiler Auyeni - 2018” (“Nomad Tunes”) among young performers on national musical instruments and folk songs will be held from October 19 to October 21, 2018 in Almaty. The organizers are the P. Tchaikovsky Republican Musical College (Almaty), the First President Foundation of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, as well as the LIC Nomad LIFE JSC.
Kairat Chegebayev: “Through our projects we try not only to talk about culture, history, and ancestral knowledge, but we also contribute to the development of youth”

In his interview with, Kairat Chegebayev, the Board Chairman of Nomad LIFE JSC, told why his company decided to become one of the contest organizers and why moral values ​​were so important in life insurance.

“Last year, the director of the Almaty Musical College, Birzhan Khasangaliyev addressed us with the idea of ​​creating a competition that would enable young talented people from all over Kazakhstan to express their abilities – and we agreed to support the idea,” says Kayrat Sadyrbaevich. - This is a specific direction, when the best performers are identified not among amateurs, but at the same time as yet not professional. They are students of music colleges of the country still at the start of their musical career. I watched the contestants; they are timid, fragile girls and boys, but what they do on the stage, takes the breath away. They radiate such a powerful energy, have so much charisma. The role of such contests is very important in order to reveal those who will glorify the country on major international events in the future and become the cultural asset of the country.

Then we came up with the name of the competition, which is directly related to the brand of our Company - Nomad (nomads - Koshpendiler). I would like to note that the public mission of Nomad LIFE is to popularize the idea of ​​preserving national values. Through our projects, we try not only to talk about culture, history, and knowledge of our ancestors, but we also contribute to the development of young people.

- Why, in your opinion, are moral values ​​so important, including the life insurance field?

- Moral values ​​are certain ideals established by society that cannot be measured and given a price. Each person grows up with his own set of values ​​that parents, mentors, teachers, and friends give him from birth. It is honesty, responsibility, love, first of all, for oneself, and for others, faith belief in oneself, sympathy, love for parents, respect for any form of life, love for family. After all, life consists not only of material goods, as they say, "man does not live by bread alone." And our main activity is to protect our family members, take care of them. All the projects supported by our company cultivate moral values one way or another.

- What are your core personal values?

- To be brief, it is family, of course, education for my children, self-development, environment, and work. I also value relationships with good people.

- Will you support the competition every year? What other organizational processes do you take part in?

- I hope this will become another pleasant tradition for us. As I have said earlier, we are trying to support cultural, historical, educational projects, including cooperation with the National State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For the past four years, we have been preparing calendars in which we display unique exhibits from the rare collections of the Museum.

Of course, the entire insurance group Nomad supports the Kazakhstani KVN team Sparta Nomad Astana. The guys became the winners of the top league of KVN, as well as the Summer Cup of KVN in 2017.

As to educational projects, this year our company has organized the competition for educational grants for actuarial courses. The project is being held for the first time, it is supported by the National Bank and the Actuarial Society of Kazakhstan.

- What Kazakh music do you like?

- I love the hits of Batyrkhan Shukenov, the repertoire of Muz Art, the legendary songs of Rosa Rymbayeva, and I also listen to contemporary performers.


The competition “Koshpendiler Aueni - 2018” is held in order to support talented performers in this direction, increase the level of professional musical performance skills and develop interest in national music, as well as preserve the Kazakh musical heritage for the future generation that has been formed over the centuries. The students of music colleges around the country take part in the annual competition since 2017.

The competition has three nominations: “Kurmanghazy” (among dombrists), “Korkyt” (among kobyzists) and “Mukhit” (among folk performers).

The Grand Prix winner will receive a cash prize of 300,000 tenge, the first place - 250 thousand tenge, the second - 150,000 tenge, the third - 100,000 tenge and diploma winners - 50,000 tenge. The prize is shared between the performer and the teacher who prepared him.

The panel of judges will include eminent culture figures of Kazakhstan, university professors and teachers of music colleges of Kazakhstan. For example, last year, the jury of the 1st National contest included famous masters of traditional art - Elmurat Usenov, Raushan Musakhodzhayeva, Sholpan Zadankyzy and others. About 100 students of musical educational institutions from all regions of Kazakhstan took part in the competition.

In the picture:

1. Kairat Chegebayev, Ayganim Ikhsanova, the Grand Prix winner of the 1st National Competition “Koshpendіler Aueni-2017”, Birzhan Khasangaliyev.

2. Kairat Chegebayev, Birzhan Khassangaliyev.

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