Among the means that strengthen the immune system, Vladimir Khoroshev mentioned propolis extract. “There are good and strong immunostimulating drugs. I would recommend that people use bee-glue extract during the coronavirus pandemic. This extract works great on the immune system. Propolis stimulates its activity and, thereby, reduces the exposure of the human body to coronavirus infection,” said cardiologist Vladimir Khoroshev.
Bee-glues extract can be bought ready-made at a pharmacy or beekeepers. The interviewee made a point of the fact that if you have free time, you can make such an extract yourself.
“It is not difficult to prepare water or alcohol extract yourself. If you have propolis at home, you can make an extract using 70-degree medical alcohol. In case there is no medical alcohol, you can use ordinary vodka. Propolis is grated and poured with a certain amount of medical alcohol or vodka, and then left for a while. Depending on the dose of bee-glue you get 10-15 or 20 percent extract,” said Vladimir Khoroshev.
It is important to remember that propolis extract does not cure viruses and diseases, but only strengthens the immune system, which helps the body deal with the infection on its own. In order to get the maximum effect from bee-glue extract, you should look into instructions and read about the most suitable dose of propolis for you personally and administration method.
Photos are from open sources.