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The way to save money on doctors and pills named

Taking care of your health does not mean spending a lot of money on it. The way to save on doctors and pills was revealed in an interview with radio Sputnik by an expert in the field of a healthy lifestyle, blogger Peter Dobrov.
The way to save money on doctors and pills named

Keeping a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding alcohol and tobacco can be both healthy and beneficial. Peter Dobrov believes that such simple rules prolong life and improve efficiency at work.

“Those who stop poisoning themselves with harmful products like alcohol and tobacco, start going to bed earlier, wake up earlier, bring more activity into their lives, and begin to see the advantages of all this, these people become healthier, more vigorous, more productive at work, therefore, they begin to earn more. This is all very beneficial,” the blogger told Sputnik radio.

Those who are ready to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle should realize that they cannot wait for a momentary result, says Peter Dobrov. A healthy lifestyle is a long-term investment in yourself. “If you think ahead, if you think strategically, then it becomes clear that a person spends more attention, more energy and, possibly, more time on cooking healthy homemade food and exercising. If you think strategically, those who lead a healthy lifestyle live longer and get much less sick. In addition, sports and healthy lifestyle contribute to psychological health. It's worth it,” concluded Peter Dobrov in the interview with Sputnik radio.


Photos are from open sources.

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