Baggy eyes: their cause is often not only an excess of fluid intake, but also insufficient drinking of water. If water is consumes adequately, the condition of blood, liver and kidneys should be checked.
Lid twitch usually occurs as a result of stress but if it lasts for several days, one should consult a neurologist for nerve damage or tumors.
Tongue plaque: a thick white coating that occurs on tongue in the morning often indicates pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.
Finger tingling: if this happens frequently for no apparent reason, there is most likely a problem with a pinched nerve.
Chilliness: an often increased chilliness and sensitivity to cold indicates an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism)
Visible capillaries on the skin: they usually are harmless, but when they increase, it can be assumed that a person has uncontrolled hypertension.
Hair loss: losing more than 100 hairs a day signals thyroid problems or hormonal changes.
Fatigue: if you feel tired despite getting enough sleep, an iron deficiency or hormonal imbalance may be the cause.
Hallux rigidus: if in the morning the fingers do not bend well, they feel swollen, this may indicate the onset of rheumatism.
Bleeding gums: with repeated gum bleeding, it will be helpful to check the blood for sugar; diabetes can be revealed this way.
Photos are from open sources.