One common piece of advice for people starting out in their careers is to acquire skills. Considering how expensive education is and how much time people devote to it, it is surprising how few job skills most people acquire during their studies. Experience has shown that skills are not the most significant thing you should try to learn in your first few jobs.
Defining your advantages over others and your interests, and then finding a job that combines the two will give you the major benefits in creating the life and career you want.
Doing something you are good at and what you are praised for is much more pleasing than doing something you are bad at and therefore spend more time on it. People pass a third of their adult lives working, that is why it is vital to figure out what kind of work you enjoy doing.
Understanding of this will give you an edge over all the other people who do the same thing as you but don't like to do it. Everyone would prefer to spend time on what they like rather than on what is unpleasant. If your job includes many activities that bring you pleasure and benefit others, it is likely to be motivating and inspiring; there will also be a desire to devote more time to work.
Photos are from open sources.