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Simple ways to delay aging

Life expectancy, albeit unevenly, is increasing all over the world. It has grown on average from 67 to 73 years for 20 years, according to WHO data. The number of people over 60 in the world will double by 2050, the experts believe.
Simple ways to delay aging

However, no great success in prolonging the active period of life has been achieved. Therefore, the last years of life in people are most often associated with diseases or conditions of limited life activity. Unfortunately, “old age diseases” are increasingly being detected in middle age and even in young people.

Achieving active longevity has become one of the most important trends in recent years; and it is only 25% determined by genetics. Everything else depends on your lifestyle and the possibilities of medicine. Alas, stress, insomnia, malnutrition, and lack of exercise have become constant companions of a modern man today. All this does not add either youth or health, but it can and should be fought.

“One needs to be able to switch to other thoughts, this allows turn various hormones and create “a hormonal soup” in your head. When we are focused on one thing, only one part of the brain works, and when we are estranged from the situation, another part of the brain turns on. Deep breathing helps achieve a state of detachment. In addition, there is an exercise “photo of the brain”. You recall “photos” of sensations during times when you felt good, for example, on vacation: smells, sounds, tastes. You need to concentrate on them and remember their prints. For example, you stuck in a traffic jam, you get nervous and stressed. Start breathing deeply thereby removing norepinephrine, the stress hormone. Imagine your vacation: photos, sounds, smells. “A hormonal broth” is brewing in your head: stress hormones go away, hormones of joy come. If you repeat such exercises 1, 2, 10 times, they become a habit and you can perform them instantly, and switch your attention in no time. Take breaks of 5 minutes every hour when working: drink tea, listen to birdsong, put on an aroma lamp, or do breathing exercises during the break. This will be physiologically enough to save 50% of energy until the end of the working day,” says psychiatrist, cognitive neurorehabilitologist Igor Dolgushin.

Scientific research in recent years has proved that aging can be controlled. It was possible to increase the lifespan of mice by 2 times and primitive organisms by 10 times in the experiments. It is more difficult with a human though. The prolongation of his life is achieved by prolonging the period of his health. A person does not necessarily live longer in this case, but the period of illness can be reduced, for example, from 20 to 5 years.


Photos are from open sources.


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