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The number of people with substandard income in Kazakhstan increased by 20%

In the fourth quarter of 2020, the number of households with substandard incomes has increased by 12% over the year, to 140.6 thousand. 858.5 thousand people live in these households, which is 20.1% more than a year earlier, writes
The number of people with substandard income in Kazakhstan increased by 20%

In the comparable period a year earlier, there were 125.5 thousand households with such low incomes in the country (plus 10.2% per year). It should be noted that in recent years the pessimistic index has only been growing.

Moreover, among the poorest households in the country already 4,600 (plus 49.5% per year) have incomes even lower than the cost of the food basket. Over 28 thousand people live in these households (immediately plus 84.2% per year).

Broken down by regions, 19.9% ​​of households with the substandard income fell on the Turkestan region, 27.9 thousand households, minus 12.2% for the year. The largest share (10.3%) of population living below the poverty line was also recorded here. The national average was 4.6% (a year earlier - 3.8%). The top three outsiders also included Almaty (15.5 thousand households, immediately 2.8 times more than in 2019) and the East Kazakhstan region (11.6 thousand households, minus 2.2%).

The average monthly subsistence level in the period under review was 34 thousand tenge, 11.8% more than a year earlier. However, the income used for consumption amount to 65.6 thousand tenge having increased by 8.4% over the year. The ratio of income used for consumption to the subsistence minimum was 193%.


Photos are from open sources.

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