When assessing the client's risk, insurers consider several factors, which are identified during the questionnaire filling up.
The older the client, the higher the likelihood of chronic diseases, which is why people in their 20s and 60s pay different premiums.
Women live on average seven years longer than men. Therefore, other things being equal, women will pay a lower premium for the same coverage than men.
The worse the client’s medical condition, the more expensive the insurance will be for him.
There are professions with an increased health risk, for example, construction workers or miners.
Leisure sports
If you are into skydiving or rock climbing, your insurance company will charge you a higher premium.
Educational background
People with higher levels of education tend to be healthier and live longer than people without higher education. This factor is inextricably bound up with you income level
Income level
According to statistics, people with higher incomes are healthier and live longer than people from vulnerable social classes of population.
Smoker status
Giving up smoking makes a huge difference to your premium: you can pay half of what a smoker pays for the same coverage, all other things being equal.
Photos are from open sources.