Yandex.Taxi launched its own program of life and health insurance for passengers and drivers together with partners in all 20 cities of Kazakhstan, where the service operates. The insurance is automatically applicable to all trips ordered through the Yandex.Taxi application.
The maximum compensation under the program is 2.5 million tenge. The driver and every passenger in the car are insured for this amount for the whole driving time. Amanat and Kazakhinstrakh insurance companies have become the first partners of the program.
"We are the first online order service taxi in Kazakhstan, that insures life and health of passengers and drivers. The local legislation does not require this from us, but we want users and drivers to feel protected. Not all local companies can afford such projects, but we, a large international platform, can and do see this as our responsibility, albeit voluntary," says Tamirlan Shapiyev, the Executive Director for the Development of Central Asian Markets in Yandex.Taxi.
In case of a road traffic accident, passengers and drivers can contact Yandex.Taxi support through the application. They will get the contacts of the company that insured the trip, and detailed instructions on what to do.
The cost of rides will not go up for users: Yandex.Taxi will cover all payments to partners-insurers.
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