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The Russian insurance companies told about funny clients

Insurers sometimes get the most unusual requests from customers and look for solutions. In 2019, Russians were worried about the fate of pets and things dear to their hearts, many thought about their health, and some got into unexpected trouble and tried to repair the damage through a policy, writes AIM PRIME.
The Russian insurance companies told about funny clients

The customers of Sberbank Life Insurance began to use telemedicine, included in insurance contracts, more often this year. A woman turned to doctors 43 times a week to consult about anxiety, poor sleep, pressure, and overall well-being.

A resident of Yekaterinburg, who wanted to insure against an accident for 7 billion rubles, which is equivalent to the city budget for almost 2 months, turned to ERGO.

A Rosgosstrakh Life’s client was about to undergo plastic surgery and wanted to insure the risks of death and complications. Another potential client asked if the company could insure dental implants for 700 thousand rubles. One client tried to get compensation for a bruised leg, because he had kicked the ball with stones, the other was playing with the child on a playground and "accidentally did the cross split", as a result of which he got a sprain.

Another client upon returning home after work found an unknown cat in the apartment, and when he tried to kick it out, he got a “bite wounded index finger”. Another client of the company unsuccessfully got into a war with a cockroach, when trying to kill it, she crashed into a door jamb with a shoulder.

Sberbank Insurance experts found themselves almost as in a horror movie when they came to inspect the property after utility breakage and saw a lot of water damaged life-size puppets placed throughout the apartment. The nerves of the experts turned out to be strong, the case was recognized as insurance, and the company paid compensation.

A mysterious incident occurred with the client of Absolute Insurance. The Moscow resident when returning from work decided to relax a bit and drove into his garage. He was listening to the music and drinking alcohol in the car, and then went home by taxi. When coming for his car the next morning, he saw a smashed windshield, broken windows and a huge iron scrap stuck in the speedometer. No personal belongings, however, were lost.

The RESO-Garantia insurance company had to face a real nightmare, the case with an insured car in which a corpse had been found was under consideration. The victim was in the car for several days, because of which the car interior fell into disrepair.

Renaissance Insurance received a request for fur coat insurance, including the risks of robbery and mugging on the street, as well as the risks of moth damage. Another unusual request to the company concerned the insurance of musical instruments, including the risk of ill-treatment. One of the insured events that had already taken place was when the insurer had to face burnt New Year trees.


One casino suggested ERGO Company to sell insurance policies at the entrance and insure citizens in case of loss. One can only assume that such policies would be in demand, as this type of activity is prohibited for insurance by Russian legislation.

Liberty Insurance had to cover the loss due to forgetful sailors once. The container with blueberries defrosted when being transported by sea from Gdansk to Shanghai. The ship staff forgot to turn on the refrigeration, and the load had to sail half the world without power.

The ERGO Company also shared about the fastest hijacking of the year, the client turned to the insurer only six hours after start of insurance coverage. An owner of a brand new Hyundai Tucson parked the car off-street for the night and could not find it at 6 in the morning. And a client approached the Soglasiye Company with a wish to buy the third party liability insurance for his cart with a horse.

A Sberbank Life Insurance customer wanted to make his cat the beneficiary under the accumulative insurance agreement in order to provide the pet with a comfortable life if he did not live by the end of the contract. “Unfortunately, the company was not able to satisfy this particular request: animals cannot be beneficiaries under life insurance contracts. We proposed to include a person who would guarantee to take care of the animal as the contract beneficiary. The client is taking a bit in this matter,” they said in the company.


Photos are from open sources.

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