As a result of accident, 584 people received subcutaneous fractures, 444 - superficial injuries, 273 - injuries from concussion and trauma to internal organs, 143 - other fractures (with dislocation, displacement), 113 – compound fractures, 108 - thermal burns.
The highest injury rate is in the Karaganda region. In 2022, 460 cases were recorded in this region, which formed 18.8% of the total number of cases. The Ulytau region is in the second place with 307 people injured at work (12.5% of the total).
The manufacturing industry occupies the largest share in terms of injury risk. This industry accounted for 29.8% of accidents last year (26.8% - 2021). The mining industry is the second with 23.9% (20.8% - 2021) affected. The smallest number of injuries, 2.4%, occurs in agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
The most common occupational diseases in the reporting year were: dorsalgia - non-specific back pain (289 people); radiculopathy - a neurological syndrome (289 people) and lesions of the intervertebral discs of other departments (211 people).
Photos are from open sources.