In order to test the mechanism for introducing independent experts into the process of examining citizens, a joint order was adopted in April by the Ministries of Labor and Social Protection of Population, Health, Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry. It regulates the procedure for applicants to undergo testing and provide a package of required documents. Some of the main requirements are higher medical education, a certificate of a specialist in the field of health care, as well as a document confirming the completion of training over the past 5 years in the field of medical and social expertise. Thus, the selection of independent experts will be carried out on a competitive basis, taking into account the level of qualifications and work experience.
As part of the pilot project launch to attract independent experts to the SMA, about 50 people participated in the competition. All stages of selection were passed by 18 medical experts who already started working.
The evaluation is carried out as follows: medical documents are sent to the expert automatically in electronic and anonymized form based on data obtained from the information systems of state bodies and the Ministry of Health.
The distribution of cases is carried out extraterritorially. This means that an expert living in Almaty receives documents from other regions of the country, with the exception of Almaty.
The introduction of the institution of independent experts is aimed at eliminating direct contact between citizens and experts, and, therefore, corruption.
Photo courtesy of public sources