The vast majority of respondents (80%) admit that they dream of becoming millionaires. Of these, 30% have already accumulated an amount of one million rubles, and 25% are saving or planning to accumulate such an amount. Only 11% have not set such a goal, and 9% consider this amount unattainable. Among those who have not yet been able to save the required amount, one in four (25%) acknowledge they do not know how to save and spend everything at once, and almost two-thirds explain this by the presence of other, higher priority tasks.
Every fourth (25%) plans to save money from current income to implement their plans; slightly less - 24% are ready to give up excesses and spontaneous purchases. Every fifth person (22%) plans to find an additional job to earn more. However, 11% are considering investments to achieve their goal, 16% are planning to save and reduce current expenses, and about 2% are planning to open their own business using credit funds in order to make money on it.
Photos are from open sources.