The first step is drinking caffeinated drinks. Antioxidants relieve fatigue and have a stimulating effect. Warm water or ginger tea is also helpful. According to experts, it helps to improve digestion, soothes the stomach and relieves nausea.
The next day, after the holiday feast, doctors recommend stocking up on foods rich in vitamin C, such as kiwi, oranges, and berries. They will give the body energy and help remove headaches.
The experts recommend chamomile tea to get rid of the feeling of anxiety. This drink will help fall asleep quickly and enable the body to recover from intoxication faster.
A snack break with cottage cheese can also relieve unpleasant symptoms. This product reduces stomach acidity, soothes upset, and helps restore vitamins and minerals lost by the body during dehydration.
A hangover is the body's response to drinking too much alcohol. Its symptoms include fatigue and nausea, headache, sensitivity to light, and dizziness. The scientists have previously found 23 simple products that eliminate the effects of overindulgence.
Photos are from open sources.