“The connection between diabetes and sweets is a myth because type 2 diabetes, the most common in the adult population, is the so-called diabetes of fat and eating sweets indirectly affects this,” Seliverstova said.
However, sweets can negatively affect human health if the daily ration of glucose consumption is exceeded. Thus, this may cause of excess weight gain.
“What is harmful about candies and sweet in general, is that they contain a lot of glucose, and our daily diet should be about 50 grams of glucose. Thus, when someone eats sweets, they do not count how much of this glucose they have eaten, and just go through the amount of sweets per day. Excess sweets mean excess weight, because the liver processes it into fats and stores them as fats,” the expert noted.
According to Seliverstova, sweets in their pure form also cannot cause acne, but excessive consumption of sweets can cause dysbacteriosis in the colon or small intestine, which a dermatologist can then associate with the appearance of acne. Moreover, the appearance of acne itself is often caused by a violation of the local immunity of the skin, sweating disorders and hormonal changes.
Source: https://ria.ru/20231027/diabet-1905673904.html
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