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Life insurance for children in the USA

Same as an adult life insurance policy, a life insurance policy for a child is a contract with an insurance company. The premiums are usually paid (monthly or annually) in exchange for a promise that the insurance company pays benefits in the event of the child's death, Forbes writes.
Life insurance for children in the USA

If an adult has an insurance policy, the beneficiary is usually the insured person. The child's insurance agreement is paid by the parents, who, as a rule, become the beneficiaries.

It is relatively easy to buy child life insurance policy, especially compared to an adult life insurance. You need to fill out an application, but the child does not have to go through the physical exam often required by insurers for adults.

Children's health insurance is one of the hot topics actively discussed at various levels of government and in the American community. About 15% of children have no health insurance.

The American health care system, however, has many strong points, such as academic credentials in medicine, drug development, production of medical equipment, modern and developed research medical centers, equipped, as a rule, with modern equipment, where highly qualified medical personnel work. The United States spend 2-3 times more on medicine than other Western industrialized countries.


Photos are from open sources.

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