By creating such fake pages, fraudsters pursue a variety of goals, from sending phishing emails to stealing personal data or money from citizens. Using similar and consonant domain names with the National Bank, scammers create fake email addresses of the regulator to send phishing emails. Such emails usually contain links to a fake website or requests to view urgent documents and payment orders. In this case, if the link is followed, the user's mobile device is unknowingly infected with malware, which is subsequently used to remotely control the device.
“In order to avoid fraud by third parties, the National Bank does not recommend following suspicious links. Let us remind you that the National Bank does not serve individual accounts, does not insure funds, or conduct cash settlements with the population. If you or your friends have encountered fraudulent schemes, we strongly recommend that you lodge the statement with the law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan,” the regulator’s press release concludes.
Photo is from open sources.