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What will compulsory accident insurance be?

According to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On compulsory insurance of employees against accidents during the performance of their labor (official) duties,” each employer is obliged to conclude an insurance agreement for its employees, the press service of LIC Freedom Life notes.
What will compulsory accident insurance be?

In order to improve the social protection of employees, as of 2024, the amendments have been made to the CAI system in Kazakhstan.

One of the key changes was the introduction of a standard for pre-retirement payments for citizens employed in jobs with hazardous working conditions. According to the new rules, Kazakhstanis who have reached the age of 55 and for whom compulsory professional pension contributions (CPPC) have been paid for a total of at least 84 months are now entitled to a special social payment to be made under a pre-retirement annuity insurance contract.

Pre-retirement payments are to be made from the following sources:

– Special professional allowance from the national budget in the amount of two subsistence rates (SR);

– LIC payments in the amount of 1 SR (43,407 tenge in 2024);

– Financing by employers in the amount of 1 SR;

– Funds from the UAPF at the expense of compulsory professional pension contributions (CPPC)

The payments will start upon reaching the retirement age. For that, one needs to quit job with harmful working conditions and move to an easier job, or continue to receive payments until pension is assigned.

LIC Freedom Life has already begun to actively accept applications for concluding pre-retirement annuity contracts. 156 additional agreements on the existing compulsory accident insurance (CAI) contracts, taking into account the changes made to the legislation, have already been signed.

Photos are from open sources.

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