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How to get compensated upon the occurrence of the insured event

Insured event is an event, the occurrence of which entails the emergence of an insurance obligation on the part of the insurance company. This may be event, in which the insurance policy is activated and the insurer pays compensation or indemnifies for losses stipulated in the insurance policy. The editors of the website (consumer site of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market) spoke about the algorithm of the insured's actions at the occurrence of an insured event.
How to get compensated upon the occurrence of the insured event

Conditions for the occurrence of an insured event

For an event to be considered as insured event, it must meet several criteria. This is an accident and unexpectedness of the incident, and causing damage to property or the insured, that is, the insured event must occur simultaneously and entail some damage to the insured. This fact is estimated by the insurance company in monetary terms depending on the coverage amount. For example, you got into a road traffic accident, as a result of which the bumper of the car was damaged. However, you had broken the mirror earlier. The insurance company will compensate for the bumper but not for the mirror.

What does not apply to insurance cases?

Some events are not included in insured events being prohibited by law, for instance, a loss in gambling or illegal actions that knowingly violate the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Besides, in some cases, the law exempts the insurer from paying compensation. Thus, according to Article 935 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “harm arising as a result of the intent of the victim is not subject to compensation”, and the amount of compensation should be reduced “if the gross negligence of the victim contributed to the occurrence or increase of harm”.

For example, if an insured event occurred as a result of some kind of radiation, riots or hostilities.

Therefore, it is important to carefully read the insurance contract; it always contains exceptions from the list of insured events

What to do at the occurrence of an insured event

At the occurrence of an insured event, it is important to contact the insurance company as soon as possible. The terms, in which it is important to report an insured event, are specified in the insurance contract. They are always limited, so it is better not to put off contacting the insurance company.

The insurer will explain which documents confirming the occurrence of an insured event must be collected and submitted; most often an identity card, policy, medical documents (if we are talking about life and health insurance), expert opinions (if we are talking about the dangers of real estate), protocol from an accident commissioner (if an accident has occurred) are required.

Along with the documents, it will be necessary to fill out an application, the form is usually provided by the insurer or it can be downloaded from the company's website or filled out in their mobile application. After submitting the application and supporting documents, it remains to wait for a decision. If it is positive, you will receive the insurance benefit.


Photos are from open sources.

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