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Occupational diseases have become more frequently detected in Kazakhstan

There is an increase in the number of people with occupational diseases in Kazakhstan. The number of people who earned not only wages but also illnesses at their workplace was replenished by another 657 people last year, writes with reference to data from the Bureau of National Statistics.
Occupational diseases have become more frequently detected in Kazakhstan

In 2017–2020, occupational morbidity statistics showed plus 230–270 cases annually. The jumps occurred in 2021 and last year, when there was an increase of 48.1% and 87.2%, respectively. Over a five-year period, the dynamics of this industrial safety indicator have showed a twofold increase.

In total, 8.2 thousand citizens with occupational diseases were registered in our country last year. More than half of them - 55.8% - are workers in the most notorious region in terms of occupational injuries, the Karaganda region. Around 4.6 thousand Kazakhstanis with occupational diseases live there. East Kazakhstan is in the second place in terms of number of cases due to harmful production factors. The region’s share is 34.7%, the absolute number of sick people is 2.8 thousand people.

The increase in occupational morbidity in certain categories also correlates with the dynamics of the number of people employed in hazardous conditions. For example, from 2017 to 2022, those who were engaged in heavy physical labor grew by 21.4%, or by 18 thousand people. In general, according to the BNS ASPiR RK, the total number of people employed in harmful and unfavorable conditions last year amounted to 491.1 thousand people. The rise over the past few years is relatively small - 7.8%.


Photos are from open sources.

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