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What fraud schemes do Kazakhstanis most often encounter?

Kaspersky Lab has found out which fraud schemes Kazakhstani residents most often encounter. The most common scenarios are in which attackers act as bank employees. The most popular scheme is as follows: a person receives a call and is informed about a possible hacking of his bank account or card. 75% of respondents, themselves or their family members, encountered this at least once a year.
What fraud schemes do Kazakhstanis most often encounter?

Fraudsters may ask you to confirm your password, bank card number or other data (67% of respondents encounter this) or to inform you that your bank account or card has been blocked (every second person has faced this).

In addition to schemes with bank employees, there are other ways to rip someone off. For example, 28% of respondents receive messages about due payments or cash refunds, and every fifth gets a request allegedly from a relative or loved one to urgently transfer money. Every second surveyed receives an offer to collect lottery or competition money prize, in which they did not participate.

Photos are from open sources.

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