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Weekend travel insurance: low price and reliable protection

Weekend tours are popular in Almaty. After all, every city dweller needs rest, silence, and unity with nature. In our country, the product "Insurance of tourists traveling abroad" is widespread. Travel insurance in the Republic of Kazakhstan is protection against unforeseen expenses during a trip in Kazakhstan. Purchasing an insurance policy is much more lucrative than paying for a doctor's appointment, buying medicines and other treatment costs when the need suddenly arises. Therefore, LIC Nomad Life offered the market a "Tourist" policy that costs only 200 tenge and provides a 24-hour coverage.
Weekend travel insurance: low price and reliable protection

The tourism industry in our country is developing. And one of the main problems in identifying dangers in tourism is the lack of targeted work on analyzing accidents with tourists. Various departments, such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Health, are involved in recording and analyzing emergency situations. As a result, if almost everything is known about fatal injuries from the news, then moderate or mild injuries are practically not taken into account.

Meanwhile, everyone knows that active tourism is dangerous and the risks are assumed by travelers themselves. The life insurance company Nomad Life decided to help Kazakhstanis with this.

“We have divided tourists’ injuries into accidents received in active tourism and casual accidents on vacation. Our company is ready to take on these risks for only 200 tenge, that’s how much the Tourist policy costs. It is valid for 24 hours, but if desired, the period can be extended to three days. However, the coverage we offer is up to 1.5 million tenge,” says Bakhdaulet Yedilbekov, executive director for IT development at Nomad Life.

Almost every Kazakhstani has a compulsory medical insurance policy. That is, if a tourist seeks help, they must be admitted to any medical institution in the country. But usually the visiting hours are scheduled, and most doctors are busy. Even in emergency situations, you have to wait in line.

"Our policy allows you to go to a private clinic, which means that the insured can undergo all the necessary examinations and get the results in a short time. In addition, if a person loses their ability to work for some time, we will pay for the forced leave," the executive director clarifies.

Insurance terms:

Cost - 200 tenge

Convenient terms: from 1 to 3 days

Insurance coverage - up to 1,500,000 tenge

The policy can be issued online in a few minutes.

Insurance provides for compensation in case of temporary loss ща labor capacity, disability or death of the insured as a result of an accident

The policy can be issued on the Nomad Life website. You only need to enter your IIN and phone number that is registered in the Mobile Citizens Database. Then you will receive an SMS message from 1414 with a "consent code". This code must be entered on the insurer's website, select the insurance period and the date of the trip, and pay 200 tenge.

“Another option for purchasing a policy: mobile operators ALTEL and Tele2 offer to buy a policy by recording people's stay out of town. So far, it is a pilot project, so the geography of “Tourist” is the foothills of Almaty, including Shymbulak and Medeu,” Bakhdaulet Yedilbekov clarifies.

The company makes payments within the timeframes established by law.

Photo courtesy of public sources

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