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Insurer: employers show thought for the mental health of employees

Employers have become more concerned not only about the physical but also the mental health of their employees. More than half of the voluntary health insurance contracts concluded by Rosgosstrakh with legal entities now include psychological support for the personnel of client companies and enterprises.
Insurer: employers show thought for the mental health of employees

“The mental health of employees is now the focus of attention of many employers. Psychological support, psychological testing, etc. are already standard options for a corporate health insurance contract, - notes Olga Kuptsova, Deputy Director of the Department of Methodology and Underwriting of Personal Insurance at Rosgosstrakh. — A major breakthrough was the possibility of holding consultations with a psychologist online. Since 2020, they have been the most popular. And this is not only about the convenience of receiving help in moments of anxiety or depression, due to prejudices and stereotypes, a face-to-face visit to a psychologist's office still causes rejection among many of our compatriots, while communication by phone or in a chat seems anonymous."

The portfolio analysis of Rosgosstrakh corporate VHI contracts shows that the clause on psychological support for their employees is most often included by Moscow clients, where 67% of employers care about mental health of their employees.

According to observations of Rosgosstrakh experts, employees of the IT and financial departments are more likely to turn to psychologists, while employees of manufacturing and industrial enterprises turn to them less often.

Rosgosstrakh, however, notes that corporate VHI policies provide a psychological support in a crisis situation and not as a long-term therapy. “There are usually no restrictions on the number of online psychological consultations in the insurance agreement, but regular meetings with a psychologist on an ongoing basis for the purpose of therapy and working through changes in the personality structure, as well as psychological relief and deep self-study, are an exception,” explained Olga Kuptsova.

Photo is from open sources.

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