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A Russian LIC launches investment insurance policy with portfolio management option

AlfaStrakhovanie-Zhizn has launched a unique investment life insurance (ILI) program “Portfolio Investments”. Within the policy framework, clients can form a portfolio from various strategies, manage its content, as well as replenish and withdraw funds without commission, the press service of the organization reports.
A Russian LIC launches investment insurance policy with portfolio management option

The program offers investments in the stock market by analogy with trust management. The insurance company forms a portfolio of financial instruments and manages it independently. Depending on the contribution size, clients participate in the investment income on this portfolio earning on its value growth.

The first strategy in the portfolio is “Eurobonds”: debt securities of Russian and foreign companies from the public and private sector, which are less sensitive to changes in value due to a fixed term and coupon. In order to get maximum return, AlfaStrakhovanie-Zhizn can change the strategy content depending on market situation, and reinvest all coupons received on bonds.

The approximate return from Eurobonds is 3% per annum in US dollars. The single commission for the product in the amount of 2.5% per annum is included, it covers all associated costs: portfolio management, insurance coverage, and payment of a special depository.

Photos are from open sources.

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