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Retirement annuities: what is important to know

One type of life insurance is retirement annuity or insurance annuity. This type of insurance provides a person with a constant income in old age, i.e. maintain the usual level of quality of life. Most Americans, however, do not understand how retirement annuity works, writes US News Money.
Retirement annuities: what is important to know

Here are some important things to know about retirement annuities:

Annuity types

There are several types of annuities but the main classifications include the following:

  • pure life annuities: provide payouts for the rest of the retiree's life;
  • term annuities: provide payments within a certain period;
  • accumulation annuities: intended for the accumulation of capital in order to receive future return;
  • indexed annuities: payments increase in line with inflation or other indexes.

Payment order

Annuities can provide payments starting immediately after the contract acquisition (Immediate Annuities) or after some time (Deferred Annuities), when a person reaches retirement age.


Taxation of retirement annuities in the US depends on type of annuity, its structure, and source of funds used to fund the annuity.

If annuity is deferred, i.e. payments are made later; the capital gains during the accumulation stage are usually not taxed.


Annuities can offer options that provide guaranteed payouts for a specified period even if the policyholder passes away early.

Investment options

Some types of annuities provide a choice of investment options that may affect future payouts.

Commission and fees

Various commissions and fees may apply when buying annuities, so it is important to carefully study the terms of the contract.

Before purchasing a retirement annuity, it is recommended to consult with a financial advisor or retirement planner for personalized advice tailored to your unique situation and financial goals.


Photos are from open sources.

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