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What affects the price of life insurance?

The journalist sent a request to Kommesk-Omir insurance company to get answers to questions about life insurance, prices, products and much more. The company informed that in 2023 they changed the direction of their activities and received a license for life insurance and reinsurance. This produced results: insurance premiums exceeded 8.7 billion tenge.
What affects the price of life insurance?

In response to the request, the chairman of the company's board, Oleg Khanin, explained that prices and tariffs for life insurance in the LIC are based on statistics and mathematical models. This allows you to accurately assess the likelihood of insured events occurring and calculate the necessary reserves to cover possible losses.

Risks, profession, client’s health and insurance period are taken into account. Thus, pilots, firefighters and military personnel pay more due to increased risk.

Kommesk-Omir offers its clients endowment with the opportunity to make a profit (product “Omir+”), an endowment insurance program for children “Bata Omir” and life insurance for the borrower.

One of the popular products is “Satti Omir”, endowment life insurance with indexation and profit sharing. It provides financial security from accidents and illnesses; it helps save money with investment return for various purposes and guarantees decent security in old age.

The program combines insurance coverage and opportunity to generate income, increases savings through investment returns, allows get a loan against savings, reduces taxable return by the amount of the insurance premium, operates around the clock worldwide and is tied to the US dollar with a high yield, according to the response to a request.

Changes and innovations in the field

Compulsory insurance of employees against accidents at work was introduced in 2024, which did not exist before.

A new rule has been introduced for pre-retirement payments. Citizens of Kazakhstan that work in hazardous conditions and have reached 55 years of age and have at least 84 months of compulsory professional pension contributions are eligible for a special social payment. This payment will include the insurance benefit under pre-retirement annuity insurance contract in the amount of one subsistence rate monthly.

Thus, payments will come from four sources: the national budget, insurance companies, employer funds and mandatory professional pension contributions from the Unified Accumulation Pension Fund, the company reported.

The payments will continue until retirement age. To receive special payments, the employee must leave a hazardous job. They can either switch to light work and receive wages and benefits, or go on vacation and receive payments until retirement. To receive special payments, one must be 55 years old and have pension contributions for the last 7 years.

Interaction with government agencies

In response to the request, it is said that work with ARDFM is in strict conformity with the laws governing the activities of life insurance companies. Reliability and financial stability of such companies is ensured by constant monitoring by the regulator, which protects the interests of clients.

Companies are required to comply with several important rules: maintain a minimum amount of charter capital, ensure a sufficient solvency margin, have sufficient liquid assets and distribute them wisely. Company reliability is also reflected in timely payments for insurance claims.


Photos are from open sources.

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