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Employer's fault in accident at ferroalloy plant established

A special commission created to investigate a group fatal accident that occurred on July 20, 2024 in Karaganda at the YDD Corporation ferroalloy plant, having studied the circumstances of the incident, determined that the employer was primarily to blame. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Employer's fault in accident at ferroalloy plant established

It was revealed, the enterprise had not properly taken urgent measures to prevent exposure to traumatic factors, had not properly created safe working conditions and elements of control over compliance by employees with rules, instructions and technological discipline.

The victims and victims’ family members met with the commission members, they were explained their legal rights to social protection in accordance with current legislation.

The results of the investigation will be passed to law enforcement agencies to bring to justice those found guilty of the accident.

According to the employer, all material issues related to the employer's obligations, as well as other assistance to close relatives of the deceased and the victims themselves, were resolved.

Photo courtesy of public sources

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