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Study: Women are more likely to save for their children's future than men

Women are more likely than men to save for the future of their children with endowment life insurance (ULI) programs - 79% and 21%, respectively. Such data was obtained by SberLife Insurance after analyzing endowment contracts that Russians had entered into to save up for children.
Study: Women are more likely to save for their children's future than men

Women are willing to save for an average of 6 years to form capital for their children. The average amount that mothers save for children with help of endowment programs is 270 thousand rubles (1.3 million tenge at the National Bank exchange rate).

Olga Monakhova, Managing Director of the Investments and Savings Division of Sberbank: “Women aged 38–40 years are the most active in signing up for endowment programs. Some save for their children’s education, others save for real estate for them. Our main task is to create savings culture, especially among the younger generation. The sooner you start forming capital, the more you will be able to save up. Therefore, we recommend you to start saving as early as possible - for example, from the child’s birth.”

Photos are from open sources.

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