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Insurance policies that do not exist but should

15 types of policies which everyone would gladly buy, writes
Insurance policies that do not exist but should suggested that the skeptical attitude of Russians towards insurers is partly due to the fact that the policies protect not that, not those and not from that what they should. What do people really need from insurance?

We held a survey in the editorial office, identified the most relevant inquiries and offered our version of new insurance products that people would be willing to buy.

1. The "Broken Heart" policy

A product for women: the insurance event is a breakup with your loved one, disclosure of infidelity, or disappointment in love.

Insurance benefit is a session / 3 sessions / 10 sessions (light / basic / premium versions) at a trauma therapist psychologist. The expanded version of the product includes an additional payment of 200 thousand rubles for shopping (it is known that shopping is the best medicine).

2. The “Failed Blind Date” policy

The insurance event:  you meet for the first time and do not like each other.

Refund is a dinner at an expensive restaurant, separately for each of them with another partner or cash compensation (at the choice of the insured).

“AlfaStrakhovanie” insurance company together with a dating application Tinder have tried to create a similar product by February 14 (St. Valentine's Day), but the product has not reached the market so far.

3. The “Ruined Evening” policy

The insurance event is poorly organized leisure activity. In fact, this is insurance against a spoiled mood after visiting a theater, concert, show, or circus performance. As a proof of the insurance event, it is necessary to provide a photo with a dead-pan faces in it or a video of a crying child.

Reimbursement is alternative tickets to lift the spirits (the insurer issues a claim to the event organizer).

The "UralSib" insurance group had a product "A Marvelous Wedding". Even one policy was sold. The insurance coverage against the wedding cancellation was enacted one month after the payment and right up to the event beginning. "A Marvelous Wedding" is a capsule decision with insurance amounts from 50,000 to 500,000 rubles. The policy cost was from 1,150 rubles to 10,000 rubles.

The wedding, of course, is not quite a relaxation, but still, it is a mass cultural event.

4. The “Pig in a poke” policy

The insurance event is a purchase of a sick animal: a cat, dog, rabbit, rat, bird, etc. The case is sad: you cannot return your pet as an ordinary commodity, but you have to spend a lot of money for treatment. Extended version of the policy is when the animal was purchased in the nursery for breeding or show class.

Insurance reimbursement is one-year treatment fee plus compensation for moral damage (the annual supply of medical feed to an animal).

There are several options for veterinary insurance on the market, Ingosstrakh and RegaRisk, but not in the above mentioned version.

In January 2018, Ingosstrakh offered several versions of the product: a classical version of veterinary insurance, including outpatient, dental, inpatient and distance counseling, as well as programs with narrow coverage, which includes, for example, trauma or disease caused by a tick bite. Types of programs of remote veterinary support are also provided.

Last year RegaRisk offered a completely digital service in the P2P format, a mutual insurance company, where 80% of the expenses are paid in case of insurance event. The entire process from buying insurance to paying reimbursement occurs through chat-bot.

Both options insure animals at the age from three months to eight years. It means, if have taken the animal at the age of 1.5 months, it cannot be insured yet.

5. The “Rise of Machines” policy

The insurance event is the breakdown of technical equipment inside the "smart home" or "rising" of artificial intelligence.

Reimbursement is a material (repair of equipment), plus monetary compensation for moral damage or payment for accommodation at a hotel in a "hut in the forest" style to take a rest from civilization during "machine outbreak suppression". 

6. TheCrazy Rublepolicy

Insurance against a zig in the ruble exchange rate, and the extended version is from fundamental changes in economic policy (the pension reform and changes in the tax system are included in the coverage).

Reimbursement is a monetary compensation in the form of an account for the sum insured from one of the Forex brokers plus a training investment courses for beginners.

7. The "Protection against Tyranny"

The insurance event is unlawful dismissal, bringing to dismissal, unfair fine, demotion, privation of premium, insult and humiliation by the superior/customer.

Reimbursement is 1 million rubles plus the opportunity to express your feeling to the abuser with impunity (the victim receives a free insurance of his liability to third parties with a limit: it can only be applied to the offender and for a limited period after the occurrence of the insurance event).

8. "Wanted to but had no time"

This is a policy from failure to provide medical attention in CHI in time because of queues for examination or treatment. For example, one stood in line for an MRI or ultrasound and was not diagnosed a serious illness at an early stage, missed time for treatment, and thus, his health deteriorated.

Reimbursement is treatment in a foreign clinic (Germany, Israel) at the expense of the state (the insurer organizes).

9. “The Minorpolicy

Insurance against your child’s non-entering the high school on free department.

Compensation is in cash, 20 percent of study tuition on a commercial department at the same university with high exam grades and additional tests (failed the competition).

10. TheShopping-Over-shoppingpolicy

Insurance event is a bad buy, when in the heat of a shopping spree a person spent too much money on unnecessary things, and a part of them did not fit. The shopper realized that it was impossible to return the purchase. The insurance is valid for three months only upon presentation of the receipt and with the return of unsuitable clothes.

Refund is either 50% of the bad buy cost or a coupon for its exchange in the same store.

11. The “Alco-insurance” policy

Third-party liability insurance, when the client was intoxicated. The limit is 100 thousand rubles. On birthday of the insured or his spouse, on 8th of March and the New Year's holiday, the insurance coverage is automatically doubled.

The UralSib insurance company had a similar product, the "Beloved" policy, in which it was possible to insure the third-party liability for causing harm by your dog in public places (shops, exhibitions, street, etc.). The property and health of individuals, property of legal entities fell under protection.

12. The "Private visit" policy

Insurance against abduction by aliens: the insurance event is any claimed case, no proof is required.

Light version of the policy is coverage from the visit of little green men (LGM).

The insurance coverage does not apply to Roskosmos employees, as well as people who have ever worked in the NASA system.

Those who watched all the X-files series get a 10% discount on the policy.

Reimbursement is a free inpatient treatment in a psycho-neurological hospital.

13. The “Things are never as bad as they seem” policy

This insurance policy is against realization of phobias. For example, a person is constantly afraid of something, such as clowns, railway bridges, or snakes; and then it happens to him. This is an insurance case; the compensation is paid in cash, plus rehabilitation in the clinic. Such insurance policy could reduce a psychological stress on a person with obsessive fears.

14. Plus size policy

Insurance against gaining excess weight: the weight and measurements are taken and fixed on the contract conclusion date. If these figures grow by more than 30%, the compensation in a course of weight correction with obligatory visits to a psychologist is paid.

15. The “Father can…” policy 

Insurance against unwanted pregnancy for men

It extends to all possible cases: when a woman deceived about the possibility of becoming pregnant; when there was a defective barrier contraceptive; when a counterfeit hormonal contraceptive was sold in a pharmacy.

Reimbursement is a lump-sum payment of the amount equal to the cost of alimenting a child from 0 to 18 years (based on prices at the time of his birth, without inflation), plus the management of mother's pregnancy (in case of her innocence) and child labor in a commercial mid-tier clinic; or "alimony" for a child for the same period on a monthly basis, but taking into account inflation.

The insurance company after the compensation payment to the insured shall raise a claim to the offender, the future mother of a child, the condom manufacturer, the pharmaceutical company or the pharmacy that sold a fake product.

We very much hope that the insurers will be attentive to the vital needs of the working people, and soon the products we have invented will appear on the market, insurance will be closer to people and finally start playing the role on the local financial market that the insurers in developed countries have long used to.



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