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Endocrinologist spoke about the unexpected dangers of olive oil

Doctor of Medical Sciences, endocrinologist Zukhra Pavlova compared the effects of sunflower and olive oils on body, RIA Novosti reports.
Endocrinologist spoke about the unexpected dangers of olive oil

According to expert, many mistakenly consider olive oil to be more beneficial. However, it contains large amounts of harmful advanced glycation end products (AGEs), compounds that are formed when proteins and fats combine with sugars.

Pavlova noted that sunflower oil contains an average of 3.94 thousand CNG, as well as a lot of vitamin E, which is responsible for the youth, beauty and condition of the reproductive system of women. Olive oil contains 11.9 thousand CNG. It is absorbed better than other oils but it has less polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins.

“Let me remind you that human body can process an average of 15 thousand units per day. The lion's share of AGE is produced by the body itself in the process of life,” notes the endocrinologist.

According to Pavlova, the active use of only olive oil can harm health. The doctor notes this product has benefits, but it should not be used excessively.


Photos are from open sources.

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