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People in Kazakhstan increasingly take work in hazardous industries

According to the results of the annual inspection, 386.3 thousand people worked on enterprises in conditions that do not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements last year (2021 - 375.0 thousand people), or 23.1% of the total number of employees of the surveyed enterprises. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population.
People in Kazakhstan increasingly take work in hazardous industries

In general, by type of economic activity, the number of men employed in conditions that do not meet sanitary and hygienic standards exceeded the number of women by 3.4 times with exception of healthcare and social services sector, in which the number of women working in adverse working conditions exceeded the number of men by 3.6 times, and accommodation and food services, in which the number of women working in adverse working conditions exceeded the number men by 2.9 times.

Among employees of the surveyed enterprises by regions, the largest share employed in conditions that do not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements (norms) was noted in the Ulytau region - 45.2%, in Pavlodar region - 43.9%, in Karaganda region - 43.2%, in Mangistau region - 42.7%, and in the East Kazakhstan region - 31.5%. The smallest share of workers was noted in the Kyzylorda region - 7.2%.

Enterprises spent 207,631.8 million tenge on benefits and compensation for work in harmful and other unfavorable working conditions in 2022. Additional leave was granted to 531.9 thousand people, 404.3 thousand people used hardship pay for harmful and other unfavorable working conditions, 321.9 thousand people received milk and equivalent food products, 88.6 thousand people received medical and preventive nutrition, 47.9 thousand people worked in a shortened working day mode.

Photos are from open sources.

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