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How many students are in Kazakhstan?

The number of operating organizations of higher and postgraduate education in the Republic of Kazakhstan this academic year is 116, 105 of which train undergraduates, 73 organizations train doctoral students and 18 organizations train residency students, informs the press service of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
How many students are in Kazakhstan?

72.4% of organizations implementing higher education programs are privately owned, 25.9% are state-owned, and 1.7% are foreign.

As of beginning of the 2022-2023 academic year the number of students amounted to 578.2 thousand people, 308.6 thousand people or 53.4% of which were women.

In the reporting academic year, 213.4 thousand people or 36.9% study under higher education programs on the state educational grant, 364.9 thousand people or 63.1% of the total number of students get paid educational services.

As of beginning of the 2022-2023 academic year, the number of accepted students amounted to 163.5 thousand people, 86.2 thousand people or 52.7% of which were women. Of the total number of enrolled students, 68.6% were accepted on the basis of general secondary education, 20.2% - on the basis of technical and vocational education, and 11.2% - on the basis of higher education.

The total number of non-resident students is 295.1 thousand people, of which 24.8% live, and 40% need a dormitory accommodation.

Photos are from open sources.

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