According to Uttar Pradesh Police department, a man who had allegedly killed his mother was arrested. The man suffers from ludomania, and he has been declared bankrupt a few years ago, the Hindustan Times newspaper writes....
The Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market (ARDFM) Madina Abylkassymova held a meeting with insurance market participants to discuss the priorities of supervisory policy in the insu...
The number of industry categories, in which the average monthly nominal salary of an employee exceeds one million tenge, has increased In Kazakhstan. When monitoring the highest paid vacancies, the editors of examined the databases of the ...
For the first time in the Kazakhstani insurance sector, LIC Halyk-Life topped the list of insurance companies in terms of net profit and received the status of “the most profitable insurance company,” having had earned 52.4 billion tenge as of Ja...
The majority of Russians (67%) suppose that both partners should manage the family budget. 11% believe the budget should be managed by wife, and 7% assign this role to husband. Such data were obtained during a study by SberInsurance and the job searc...
The Technocracy analytical center studied current trends in the digitalization of the insurance market. The first of them is the development of artificial intelligence, writes RBC....
Fake information about compensation payment to Kazakhstanis from the National Fund has been spreading on social networks and instant messengers recently. According to this information, any Kazakhstani resident can get compensation....
The importance of life insurance increases with age for most people. However, not everyone is aware that there are certain exceptions that may prevent your beneficiaries from claiming payments. The article in Yahoo Finance explains in what cases insu...
The national periodical Kazakhstanskaya Pravda published an interview with the chairman of the boards of directors of the insurance companies Nomad Insurance and Nomad Life Almas Mynbayev....
Centenarians have long attracted attention of scientists, as their study helps to understand how to live longer and stay healthy throughout life. However, previous studies were limited by small numbers of participants and did not consider different g...
Director of the Department of Insurance Market and Actuarial Calculations of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market Assel Amirbayeva took part in a panel session on digitalization of the insura...
LICs restored the increase in collected premiums in 2023....
A life insurance company (LIC) policy or a share in mutual fund, are different investment instruments. Both options offer clear benefits and serve unique owner goals. However, the choice between them depends on clients’ individual circumstances, fi...
Life insurance is an important component of financial planning in India offering coverage to policyholders and their loved ones. When choosing a company, people should give preference to one that has high claims settlement rates and quick payment ter...
Many people have encountered misselling without even knowing about the existence of this term. A typical example: a person goes to an electronics store to buy a smartphone, and buys: a smartphone, an overpriced phone case, additional warranty from th...
The National Bank of Kazakhstan reports that cases of telephone fraud have recommenced again. Fraudsters show fake documents to confirm their “credentials,” the regulator’s press service reports....
The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on people's thinking regarding financial planning, including life insurance. Interest in life insurance increased during the pandemic for several following reasons:...
Modern pyramid schemes can hide behind betting companies by actively encouraging clients to make supposedly win-win bets, writes
UAPF would like to remind that as of January 1, several key innovations in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan are enacted. At the policyholder’s request, a retirement annuity agreement (RA) can be concluded by writing to the insurer or e...
Life insurance is an important step to provide financial security for the family. However, people make mistakes when choosing an insurance policy....