You should be aware that there are several types of life insurance, if your health condition can be assessed as good.
Insurance for a certain period of time is a life insurance plan in which the entire insurance coverage is paid within a specified period of time in the event of your death. Some insurance plans also pay even if you are diagnosed with a fatal disease.
Mortgage loan protection is a type of life insurance specifically designed to secure mortgage payments in the event of premature death. Under this plan, the insurance coverage payout decreases over time in proportion to your mortgage payments.
Life insurance in critical illness. Unfortunately, the likelihood of contracting a fatal disease before reaching the age of 65 has increased today. This life insurance plan provides a guarantee of your protection in cases of cancer, heart attack, stroke and multiple sclerosis; things are unpleasant, but at least you will be calm knowing that you can provide for yourself and your family and not worry about medical costs.
Photos are from open sources.