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Proper nutrition to make life longer

Health is constantly under attack due to various hidden hazards that do not make themselves felt until a certain point, says scientist, Doctor of Medical Sciences William W. Li.
Proper nutrition to make life  longer

The doctor identified five main functions and body systems that are to be protected, including through diet.

Soy, tea and vegetables for angiogenesis

To live longer, the body needs to maintain a balance between its ability to form new blood vessels and cell growth. Failure to do so increases the risk of cancer and other diseases, Li informed. Some of the most effective foods for improving angiogenesis are soy, black raspberries, tomatoes, tea, pomegranate, and cheese. “People in Asia who consume a lot of soy, vegetables and tea have a significantly lower risk of developing breast cancer and other types of cancer,” added Li.

Fish for stem cell regeneration

Stem cells are found in the bone marrow, lungs, liver, and intestines. Their job is to maintain, repair and regenerate body tissues. Scientists call fatty fish one of the best foods that affect the health of these cells, Li says. He cited the research by the University of Montreal as an example, according to which, a diet rich in fish oil increased stem cell production. Other foods stimulating regeneration are antioxidant-rich dark chocolate, black tea, red wine, mango and olive oil.

Antioxidants to protect DNA

Foods that can support DNA repair and slow cell aging should be rich in antioxidants and various vitamins; these include vitamins A, C, D, E, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and selenium, the scientist explained. It is important to include spinach, kale and other leafy greens, as well as carrots, broccoli, oranges, berries, red peppers, lentils, turmeric, beans, sardines and almonds in the diet to replenish their reserves in the body, Li added.

Heathy foods to protect your immune system

Regular consumption of certain foods can both reduce inflammation and strengthen a weakened immune system, the doctor said. To boost immune defenses, he advised eating foods with anti-inflammatory properties, such as: olive oil, cranberry and grape juice, black raspberries, walnuts, licorice root, blueberries and chili peppers.

Fermented foods for microbiome

According to Li, another easy way to boost your immune system is to give attention to your intestine. He explains that microbiome plays an important role in the body's natural defenses and that in order to improve it, certain foods must be included in the diet. In particular, oolong and green tea, kiwi, beans and dark chocolate can increase the number of beneficial bacteria in intestine. Fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir will be especially healthy.


Photos are from open sources.

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