As part of the study, the results of which were published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, scientists were monitoring 11.5 thousand people aged 45 to 64 years. The analysis showed that people who were following these habits reduced the risk of stroke by 30-43%.
Scientists believe that a healthy diet, regular physical exercise, smoking cessation and weight loss can minimize genetic risks. Other factors that affect the risk of stroke include maintaining normal blood pressure, controlling cholesterol levels, and lowering blood sugar levels.
According to the study, the implementation of these rules helped increase the average life expectancy without a stroke by almost six years.
Although there are seven habits, only four of them are factors that can be changed. The remaining three factors, such as maintaining normal blood pressure, controlling cholesterol, and lowering blood sugar,are the consequences of a healthy lifestyle.
Factors that increase the likelihood of stroke include age, hypertension, smoking, obesity, sedentary
lifestyle and diabetes. Another risk factor is the presence of stroke among family members.
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