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#Happy Life

What you need to know to multiply the family wealth...

The device can be obtained for free, but it will take a bit of work....

Today's headliners of the news feeds are modern celebrities, whose luck star breaks o...

The proposal to provide the dads with a special “men's paternity leave” has come ...

Artist, Nikas Safronov, was twice admitted to critical care department in January, an...

The Japanese insurance company Sompo Japan Nippon Kowa Himawari Life Insurance introd...

Life insurance in our country is quite a young area. Many of us hardly imagine the pr...

Exactly 20 years ago, the British insurance company Albany Life released its advertis...

Today, 7 life insurance companies operating in this market are registered in Kazakhst...

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#Happy Life

What you need to know to multiply the family wealth...

The device can be obtained for free, but it will take a bit of work....

The study was performed for AlfaStrakhovaniye Analytical Center, specialists of which conducted a survey among employees of 100 Russian companies with the amount of business starting from RUB 100 million per year....

Today's headliners of the news feeds are modern celebrities, whose luck star breaks out and, at times, fade in the sky of popularity very quickly. However, they receive a lot of attention from fans, who sometimes forget about real artists, about the ...

The proposal to provide the dads with a special “men's paternity leave” has come from a group of social activists, who have worried about economic vulnerability of women after birth giving to a child and the crisis of paternity in Russia....

Artist, Nikas Safronov, was twice admitted to critical care department in January, and spent the New Year's Eve under the knife. He has being treated in the hospital for the second month already. The artist has undergone two operations, and it is all...

The Japanese insurance company Sompo Japan Nippon Kowa Himawari Life Insurance introduced all-day prohibition for smoking in all of its offices across the country....

Life insurance in our country is quite a young area. Many of us hardly imagine the principle of the insurers’ work. And, of course, they have no idea about various nuances and undercurrents in the work of insurance companies. Thus, more and more my...

Exactly 20 years ago, the British insurance company Albany Life released its advertisement for spouses’ life insurance with this heading. We must admit, nowadays the forthright British would be condemned for such a text according to several article...

Today, 7 life insurance companies operating in this market are registered in Kazakhstan. All of them provide quite similar services. How can one make the right choice? What should be focused on to be further sure in the choice made?...

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