It is extremely important to remember about diet, which should be rational (without skipping meals) and diverse. Nutritionist, wellness expert at Biogena Irina Popkova tells Gazeta.Ru about foods that add vitamins, minerals, fiber to your diet, suppo...
Cosmetologist Anna Toms tells how to revive the skin after New Year's feasts. It is definitely better to consult a cosmetologist, but you can fall back to simple home methods, reports Zakon.kz....
The New Year holidays are getting closer. It's time to choose presents for family and friends, and many of us prefer online shopping. It has many advantages, such as the ability to monitor and compare prices, beneficial promotions, and also time savi...
Researchers at London University College have explored the possibility of using virtual reality technologies for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease before it develops into a severe form of dementia, Inc. magazine writes....
Being the CEO of a large company is a tough job. Workdays can be long and grueling, and there is often little time for adequate sleep. For example, Tim Cook wakes up at 4-5 am and immediately checks his email. He believes that this mode allows him to...
Tangerines are an indispensable attribute of the New Year's table. Many people associate the fruit with the main winter holiday. This citrus attracts many with its aroma. But how many tangerines you can safely consume at a time and what the consequen...
The professions of Santa Claus and Snegurochka are dangerous: one day they can fall out of the sleigh, the other day they burn beards or get poisoned by the treat, and if the actors bought life and health insurance policies against accident, they wou...
As the member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Oksana Drapkina said, “tea sandwich syndrome” means a special form of undernutrition. It happens to those who cannot or do not want to fully make food for themselves....
Fermented milk products are known to help with intestine health. However, it turns out that the bacteria found in yogurt also fight stress and mental disorders, writes the Knife online publication....
Brazilian scientists have found that a sedentary lifestyle without mental load (for example, a person does not read books, their work is not intellectual) is associated with the risk of developing depression. However, sitting at work does not have th...
According to psychologists, the questions “How are things at school?” and “How was your day?” are not the best questions to ask children after school. The fact is that the child does not give a detailed answer to such questions, limiting them...
Fast food is food that is quickly prepared and consumed; it is sold in cafes, food courts, fast food restaurants or vending machines. Fast food products are often highly processed, pre-cooked or frozen and can contain many calories, artificial preser...
In cloudy autumn weather, we are overcome by the desire to sleep longer, be late for work, a meeting, or not go anywhere at all and do nothing. Endocrinologist Svetlana Shokur tells whether this is always associated with laziness, Zakon.kz reports....
There is more and more evidence that genes encode not only appearance and predisposition toward diseases but also preferences and behavior. Scientists are even attempting to predict eating habits using DNA. How great is the influence of heredity on a...
Cognitive neuroscientists from the University of Pittsburgh studied the topic of fear, namely the intentional fright that people go through, including horror films or thrill rides. They have found that the benefits of thrills outweigh natural pleasur...
Watching glamorous photos on Instagram, some people fall for the tricks of manipulators and pay money for “magical activities.” Internet marketing fraudsters are people selling products (books, courses, trainings, checklists) that have no value. ...
Protecting your finances from risks and fraud is an important aspect of financial security. The editors of the Prodengi.kz website give some tips that will help protect your finances....
After age 40, the human brain shrinks by an average of 5% every decade. This can negatively affect memory and concentration but it is not a necessary part of aging. Certain lifestyle factors have a more significant impact on the development of memory...
A study by the Technical University of Berlin proves that people work less hard when they have trusted colleagues who show initiative and a desire to work. Approximately the same effect is observed when collaborating with robots, to which some of the...
If you get money coming to your bank card from an unknown person, you should not keep it. Petr Gusyatnikov, Senior Managing Partner of the law firm PG Partners, told the Prime agency about this....